Fourteen years ago I met my soul mate, the love of my life, and someone I still to this day don't believe I deserve. We have been through so much together and it still amazes me how you are by my side always, no matter what life hands us. I know neither one of us imagined how hard marriage and just life in general would be. Yet we have survived everything together, our love stronger today than it has ever been. My mind cannot fathom how a man could love someone like me so much and put up with all my quirks and insecurities without ever wanting to leave or getting angry with me.
Today my love, I want to tell you I am sorry. I am sorry for everything because I know our life isn't quite what you pictured. I am sorry that you have to take on more than you should have to because my anxiety and other health issues limit me. I lean on you a lot more than you lean on me and you are my rock, helping me through everyday. I know you never expected to spend our first years in emergency rooms and hospitals. Neither one of us could have known how sick I was going to be, but you were always there never complaining and always going out of your way to take care of me.
Recently I decided I wanted to go back to school and you were completely supportive. This is something else I know you didn't plan on having to deal with. My sleepless nights doing homework, taking on president of the psychology club, and then becoming a content creator and contributing editor for Odyssey. I know you must get frustrated when I tell you I have video meetings almost every night in a week or when I am suppose to be on break I am still working on school stuff. No, you don't understand my need to do more than I probably should but you never complain. You happily make dinner for the children when I am frantically trying to finish homework and you take on homework when I have a video meeting I have to attend.
I have no idea what I did to deserve you, I never imagined having someone so understanding in my life, nor someone who would love me so unconditionally. You are one in a million, my love! I am so happy for whatever brought you into my life fourteen years ago, I wouldn't know what to do without you in it. I never want to know what life would be like without you! I could never imagine anyone who would put up with me and put up with everything I put you through.
Thank you love, for showing me there are men out there who still care, who still understand, and who still love unconditionally! Thank you for showing me that I do deserve you and the kind of love you have given me.