To The Man Who Finally Loves Me,
I know I’m a pain. I know I have endless amounts of flaws that can be unflattering at times. I’m needy, I can be loud, I can be stubborn, there are times when I can be exactly like your mother. But all of this comes out of the fact that I care about you, more than words can say, and I am showing love in the very messed up way that I know how.
By the time I find you, I would have waited for you for what seems like an eternity, at times hopeless that anyone could love the woman that I am. But that time has taught me so many things about myself and about love. It has helped me grow into that woman that you have learned to love so much.
Spending all of that time without you has taught me about the beauty of independence, the beauty of being able to do things on my own. That time has taught me that I am the most impatient human being on the face of this planet, because all I wanted was to find you. The time it took for you to love me has taught me that my standards are set for a reason, that being picky pays off. You, taking your time has taught me how love can change a life.
When I find you, when we find each other, I want you to know that I will be your best friend. I will be the person that holds you when you’re sad, the person that will make you feel better when you’ve had a bad day. I will be the person that you immediately call when you get the promotion at work, the person you go out to celebrate with when you get a raise. I will be the person that goes on crazy adventures with you, the person you travel the world with. I will be the person who takes care of you when you’re sick, gets mad at you when you come home drunk from a night out with the boys only to help you get rid of your hangover the next day. I will be the person that you’ll fight with, you’ll make-up with, and then do it all again. I will be the person that wears your clothes because I clearly don’t have enough of my own. I will be that person. I will be your person.
To the man that finally loves me, I want you to know that you can always trust me, unless I’m planning a surprise birthday party with your sister. You can always count on me, unless the new season of American Horror Story was added to Netflix. You can always plan on me being indecisive, late to everything, and tired 24/7, but I’ll still be there.
To the man who finally loves me, thank you for loving me.