It takes a strong man to be with a strong woman. If you are thinking about taking on an independent woman, there are some things you must know...
1. We will need our alone time. The world won't end if we don't see each other every day. We will want time to run our errands, grab a quick lunch, or take an afternoon snooze. Sometimes we just want to do these things on our own.
2. We like to do things our own way. We will tell you the best route to take to that new restaurant and the best hand soap to keep in your bathroom. We are always open to new ideas, but let us try our way first. Please forgive us in advance!
3. We are blunt. We are never afraid to voice our opinions, so don't expect us to sugar coat anything. We tend to be brutally honest, but we will always do it with a smile on our face.
4. We look nice for us, not for you. We love to dress up and look our best. There is nothing more empowering than putting on a pair of heels and strutting out the door! We will always want to impress you, but we are more concerned with impressing ourselves.
5. We will gladly help pay for dinner. We don't mind reaching for the bill every once in awhile. We work hard for our money and don't expect you to pick up every tab.
6. We are loyal. We are passionate in everything we do. There will never be a time for you to question our commitment.
7. We are confident. We are natural born leaders! We are proud of our strengths and successes, and will want to share them with you.
8. We aren't interested in flooding Instagram with photos of us. We aren't the type to whip out our camera every time we see you. We like to save photo ops for special occasions.
9. We are your biggest supporter. We care about the things that are important to you and are always on your side. We want to be your teammate, not your cheerleader.
10. We won't indulge in mindless conversations. We aren't the biggest fans of senseless communication. "Sup?" is not a text message we are interested in responding to.
11. We want to explore. We live to experience new things. We will always be down to pack up for the weekend and take a sporadic road trip. We have big plans for our future adventures and always dream big.
12. We want you to spend time with your friends. We will never ask you to blow off a night with the guys for us. We want to stay home and drink wine in the bathtub anyway.
13. We need a strong man. We need a man who can keep up with us. We are constantly pushing ourselves to do greater things, and we want someone who will do the same.