To My Man,
Thank you for showing me that my mom was right. I was the kind of little girl who was told day in and day out by my mom that someday I would meet a man that would make me forget about all the boys I’d dated before. As the days flew by and turned into years, I began to start doubting her. I was sure that they were just spun tales that a mother tells her daughter to give her hope. And after so many heartbreaks, where I put myself on the line, put my heart on the line, I had honestly given up. I told myself that I was okay being alone and that I needed to figure out a way to be okay on my own forever. That I would get there. And it took me a very long time. But I stopped looking. I looked to myself instead and spent time figuring out what I enjoyed and what I really actually liked doing. I found hobbies that were passions that I had never had the time before to actually invest time in.
So I went. I climbed mountains solo and explored cities on my own. I read new books in coffee shops I’d never been in and I learned to be patient with myself along the way. And as much of a cliché as it is; as soon as I let go and stopped looking for love, it hit me. Hard. I was ready to have a significant other in my life that I could shower with my love, affection, and adoration. But I couldn’t have done this without learning to love myself first.
And then you came along. I had always dreamed of having a teammate, a partner that I could build a life with and work towards a better future with. I wanted someone that I could spend my days with and who would appreciate me just as much as I appreciated them. I would work hard toward my goals and encourage them towards theirs and they would see that. It would mean the world to them that I was their biggest cheerleader. And you are exactly that for me. I wasn’t looking for you even though I saw you every day. To be honest I never thought I would have a chance with you. You were and are so incredibly far out of my league. But then again you say the same thing about me.
We both fuss over the other and worry if they’re okay when we aren’t by their side. I look forward to your texts and smile like a fool when you call unexpectedly just to say hi and tell me you love me. So thank you. Thank you for letting me know that there is a better tomorrow and that I have someone who will stand by my side when I need someone the most. You are my partner. My teammate. My man. And as we plan an amazing future together I can't imagine my life with anyone else. The world needs more men like you. It turns out my mom was right.