To the man that I am waiting for
You're out there, maybe I already know you and maybe I don’t, but one day we will both be ready and things will fall perfectly into place.
Maybe I know you, maybe we speak all the time, maybe you're simply still a stranger all I know is I can’t wait for that day I know its you. Day by day I think of you, I think of how God placed someone so special in my life. Except God knows I’m not ready yet for you, He also knows you’re not ready for me. We are on different paths except always looking at the same moon, and that one strange way is the slightest and smallest connection we have at this moment. Living on a crazy roller coaster that run through life as we struggle with college, a job, career, business, family and above all ourselves. At this moment you could also be single and just like I am, you're free, you're amazed with the fact you are you and never worrying about figuring your life out plus mine. Maybe you're figuring your future out, or just simply in that growing up stage; the stage where you wonder why you would want to slow down and answer to someone. You have answered to your parents for 18+ years, and now you're free. God knows you still need that time.
As time will always tell, you may begin to grow feelings towards me and add me on to that roller coaster, except at this time we are sitting on a straight ride, not hitting the turns and bumps just yet. We need faith, we need love, and we need trust in God that one day you will find me and I will find you. Until then, enjoy life. I can’t wait to hear all about it one day.