To the little children in my life:
To the little girls:
You're beautiful, everything about you is beautiful. If there's an imperfection it makes you who you are.
Boys will be boys, and as you grow up their words are going to hurt you. But if you realize to yourself that you don't need the negativity in your life, everything will be ok.
Girls will also be girls, they are mean, they are cruel, and they can be completely twisted. People who make time to be in your life are the ones who you should want to be in your life.
And someone who values you would never put you in a position to lose you. Be the reason your friends smile today, or be the reason you have made a new friend.
Share your clothes with that sister of yours, because there will be a time where you will no longer be the same sizes. Or your closets won't be so close to each other.
Share the jump ropes and your favorite candy with your friends. Because sharing is really caring.
Always help the person in line who's struggling to tie their shoes because you never know the type of morning they may have had.
Most of all, don't say hurtful things to each other, because in the end it might hurt you. To those reaching the school years, one test doesn't define your future, and if you weren't invited to a friend's house, are they really your friend?
To the little boys:
Let's just keep our hands to ourselves, let's keep our anger calm.
You know you can't hit a girl, because you will hurt her. So don't say anything that could hurt her. And when you make a promise to her, keep it.
Don't make her lose trust in you. Don't be the reason she never trusts a guy again.
And when you find a girl who cares a WHOLE LOT about you, but you are too blind to see it, open your eyes wider.
Don't lose someone to something stupid. Don't make her cry over something you wouldn't want your future daughter crying about.
To the children in my life, Those shirts you wear that say 'today will be my day' and 'look out world' or 'smile' Live through those printed shirts. And be the reasons why someone smiles or even laughs.
Someone who's been there.