Death is something very difficult for me to understand. You go from seeing a person all the time to never seeing that person ever again. Recently, I have been thinking a lot about my grandma. The day I found out my grandma passed was one of the worst days of my life. It was right after chapter on a Sunday evening. It felt like someone had pushed me to the ground and knocked all the air out of me. My grandma and I were so close and the thought of never seeing her again was painful. This was the first death in my family that really hit me hard. Her funeral was even more painful. Tears were streaming down my face the entire time. I just knew how much my grandma was going to miss but, I know she is watching over me and all of the grandchildren but there are just some things I would want her to know.
To my grandma
Thank you for being the best role model a girl could ask for. I know how hard those last couple of months were for you but I just want you to know how admirable that was for me. Your strength has taught me to keep fighting even when I want to give up. I just want you to know that I am doing okay. College is hard, life is hard, but I want you to know that no matter what, I will fight through any pain I am feeling just because I know how hard you fought. I owe that to you. Growing up, you always made me feel so special and I bet all the grandchildren could say the same. You made me feel beautiful all the time even when I looked like a mess. You made sure to watch me walk across the stage at my high school graduation on the computer because you were too sick to go and now I know in a few years when I walk that stage again except this time graduating college, you will still be right there watching me. I kick myself in the butt everyday for not saying bye when I had the chance so for that, I am so sorry. I am so sorry I wasn’t there when I should have been and I know if you could talk to me somehow, you would assure to me that it is okay. I know you are with me everyday. I miss you so much and I can’t wait to see you again soon. I love you.
Your Granddaughter