Every kid at least once in their life has said the same very words: “I can’t wait to grow up." The real question is, why does this thought come through almost every single one of our heads? We wait our entire lives to grow up...until it actually happens. If you are still young enough, please enjoy the time you have left for living the free and innocent life.
You may not realize it, but the life of a kid is pretty glamorous. Yes, you may have a curfew that you aren’t fond of, or be forced to eat your vegetables in order to get that desert you want so bad. Although, kids get to go outside play with their friends, color, paint, take required naps, and get those special bedtime stories that you will no longer get once you grow up.
Looking back at this life now makes me question why I ever said those few words. The adult life is a pain. You are now responsible for yourself and actions. Mom and Dad are no longer going to baby you around. You no longer get those mandatory naps, which you would love to have now. Those bedtime stories and being tucked in at night are all gone.
As the years go on, your life becomes more hectic and complicated than you would have expected. When you were little, you could count all the activities you had to do in a day on one hand. However, the list of things to do now has seemed to expand. You can barely keep track of it all. You have thousands of thoughts popping in and out of your head, such as, "I have to pay that telephone bill;" "My car needs to get an oil change; I probably should get on that;" "What time do you have to pick up the kids I babysit?"
So to the kids who say they can’t wait to grow up, don’t ever say it again. Before you will know it, you will be all grown up. You will be overwhelmed with more things than you can think of. For some reason we, all can’t wait for something in life. We never seem to be satisfied with what we have. Your time will come and you will get to live that adult life you have wanted so badly, but for now relax and enjoy the free time while you can.