Some of you bullied me in elementary school, some in middle school, and some in high school. I can still name each and every single one of you and I can tell you exactly what you did to me. When you bully someone, they never forget what you did. You decided that it would be fun to tear someone down because you are just a miserable person.
What I want to know is what goes through your mind when you are picking on someone? How can it possibly feel good to make someone cry? How can it feel good to make someone hate themselves? And how do you find it funny when you make someone so miserable, they try to kill themselves? How could you even tell someone to kill themselves? How would you feel if that person did commit suicide? Are your "harmless" jokes funny now?
When you bully someone, you are making them question every wonderful quality about themselves. They start to hate themselves for the things they used to love themselves for. How could you do that to someone? What if someone made you feel like that? What if someone made your friend or your family member feel like that? Would the jokes be funny then?
What is it about tearing people down that you enjoy so much? Do you sleep better at night, knowing you made someone hate their life? Because they probably don’t sleep good at night, and that is your fault. It is your fault that they sit up all night, wondering what they did so wrong to make you hate them? They sit up at night wondering why you decided that they were the one you wanted to make miserable.
Some of you grew up and realized that what you were doing isn't OK. But some of you still constantly pick on people. Why? Why is this fun for you? We are adults now. Adults don’t sit there and bully each other. It wasn’t cool to pick on people when we were in school, and it isn't cool to pick on people now. There is nothing badass about picking on people. There is nothing funny about tearing someone down.
If you still bully people, you are pathetic, and the only joke here is you.