To all of my babies:
There are so many of you that I have kept over the years. Some maybe only a few times, but others there are countless moments I have spent with you and these are moments I wouldn't trade for anything.
This summer has been filled with lots of time spent with you and I wouldn't have had it any other way. From the moments on the trampoline, swimming pool, shopping and watching "Finding Dory," I have found my happy place. My happy place being with you, taking care of you and loving you as if you were my own. I can't say I know yet what it's like to have my own children, but I'd like to say I think you all will have somewhat prepared me for when I reach that time in my life.
Between you and my niece and nephew, I have learned what it's like to love someone so incredibly much. It's an overwhelming love. The kind where you feel like your heart has legs and is actually outside of your body. The kind where you treasure every moment, celebrate every victory and cry every birthday because your babies are growing and soon won't necessarily need you.
Life can be tough kiddos, but please remain the same sweet, optimistic people you are now always. You each inspire me to be a better person every day. You never cease to amaze me with your own kindness, generosity and the way you love others and want to serve them.
My wish is simply that I have taught you all at least half as much as you have taught me.
You have taught me patience. Bless it, lots of it for sure.
You have taught me to remain energetic because you sure do like to go, go, go.
You have taught me to love trains, trucks, superheroes and nerf guns because I want to love everything you love.
With the girls, they didn't have to teach me to love most of their toys because being a girl I kind of already loved them.
You have taught me what it's like to put someone else before myself. I always thought I knew this, but it's different when there's little people around that depend on you to take care of them.
You have even gotten me into some of the new Disney shows because you like to watch them.
You have taught me to change dirty diapers in a solid two minutes tops.
The point of this letter is to remind each of you how much I love you and your families and just how much you mean to me. Each of you has a place in my heart that will never be taken. I am one blessed girl, as my heart is overflowing with love and sweet kiddos to make my life a brighter place.
Thank you, parents, for sharing your babies with me.