To any kid out there who’s feeling down, I want you to know that everything will be okay. I know how easy it is to get down on your luck. I know how easy it is to feel like nothing is going your way. We all know that feeling.
Nobody's life is perfect and nobody’s road is easy. But no successful person got to where they are without some hard times. This world can be an unforgiving place. Sometimes things won't go your way, and people can be really mean, but you have to always remember that these are just obstacles in the way on your road to success.
People can be mean. People can downright suck, to be completely honest. But that one kid in your class who likes to make fun of the way you dress or the way you style your hair, that kid on your football team who knows he’s better so he picks on the little guy to boost his ego, that neighborhood bully who thinks its funny to take your basketball and chuck it down the street — Don’t let them get to you.
What they say or do may sting, but they’re doing it for the sole purpose of trying to get to you. They just want to get a reaction out of you. All they want is to see that they got under your skin. Don’t let them see that. Even if they did get to you, don't show them that they did. Just hold your head high and keep on moving! Not only will it drive them crazy, but you’ll prove to them and to yourself just how strong you really are.
For some people, school comes easy, For others, it takes lots and time and effort to stay at the top. I’m part of the latter group. School was never easy for me. I always had to put in a little extra effort but it was worth it. I worked and I worked, and I was able to get into the college I wanted to go to. It was because of my hard work that I got there.
What I'm trying to tell you is that the things that you want in life may not always come easy, but anything is possible with a little work. You just have to be willing to put in the time and I promise you that you will rise above and find your success.
I'm going to be straight with you, your road will be bumpy. There will be some very big ups in your life, and there may very well be some very big downs. There will be times where things don’t go your way. You will probably stumble and fall a few times, I know I have. But you have to always remember that, no matter what, you have to keep on pushing.
Life will not stop for anything, and the most successful people are the ones that are able to grab the hard times by the horns and keep on pushing.