Didn't your mother ever teach you, "If you don't have anything nice to say, DON'T say anything at all"?
Sometimes I am literally in awe, like jaw dropping to the floor, mouth gaping open thinking "are you kidding me, seriously! I can't believe they wrote that." It blows my mind the things I read on Facebook and other social media.
Now, don't get me wrong. I totally think everyone should be able to post their opinions and beliefs on social media. I do it quite often actually. One thing I really enjoy is learning about what other people believe in. Whether that be what they believe in terms of religion and politics or what their opinions are on art, music, and sports. Since I am a very opinionated person I would love to hear your opinion.
However, I DO NOT ENJOY when other opinionated people, like yourself, choose to state your opinion on posts of mine or others and do so by being rude, disrespectful or condescending.
I'm not sure if you knew this but you can actually have a conversation with someone, via Facebook comments, on a topic that is controversial and actually type to each other with respect. I know it's a mind-blowing concept for some, but it's true. I promise you that if you choose to use kind words instead of rude words, but still opinionated words, the Facebook world would be a better place.
If you feel the need to bash someone from behind a computer screen and argue with them, then you have a deeper problem. There is never a reason to be rude to someone from behind a screen. It doesn't matter if what they post has offended you, isn't correct or seems flat out stupid, you SHOULD respond in a way that kindly states your opinion or don't respond at all. It will not change your life to keep scrolling, it will actually probably increase the happiness of the person who posted it.
*Side note* I believe everyone needs to grow some thicker skin. There will ALWAYS be something or someone who will offend you, hurt your feelings, and piss you off. We need to be confident in who we are and what we believe in and not allow others to get under our skin so easily. We need to relearn the art of communication so we can have conversations and maybe, in the end, we still disagree, but after it all still be friends, companions, co-workers or lovers.
So, to the jerk who feels the need to comments on everyone's statuses, your opinion is not needed, nor wanted. Please take your comments elsewhere. And if you can't keep your comments to yourself, maybe you should delete social media until you're mature enough to have one. :)
The girl who's sick of reading your crap