This holiday season while we are at home with our families and friends celebrating the holidays by exchanging presents, drinking hot chocolate and celebrating the holiday season, there is one group of people, heroes, that deserve our acknowledgment. This would be the United States Military. Every day they protect us from the dangers of the world whether we know it or not. This holiday season is a very important one for me as my best friend will be leaving for boot camp after New Years. I wanted to write about the military not only because of him but also because the holiday season can be a hard time for them. Instead of being next to their wives, husbands or children they are instead overseas. Instead of being home to bake holiday cookies or throw Christmas parties they are working hard to keep those of us that are baking holiday cookies and throwing Christmas parties safe. Our holiday stresses are nothing compared to theirs. Instead of worrying what the kids want or what Aunt Susan wants for Christmas they are instead worried about when they will be able to Skype their wives to wish them a merry Christmas or how they will get home to be there for their daughter's first Christmas. While we have visions of sugar plums dance in our head they are out in the world with visions of a peaceful world. The military is not for everyone, but for those that it is for, they deserve a huge "thank you."
So, thank you to the United States Marines for being the first in and last out, we wouldn’t be having another Christmas without you. Thank you to the United States Army for making a difference and keeping us safe, may you return home for the holidays. Thank you to the United States Navy for keeping our waters safe, the world needs more people like you. Thank you to the United Sates Coast Guard for keeping the waters around us out of harm's way, I hope you enjoy your holidays. Thank you to the United States Air Force for protecting the skies around us, I know this holiday season we will all be able to look up and know that we are safe. Thank you to the United States National Guard for being there when disaster does strike home, I hope this holiday season you are able to spend time with your loved ones. Thank you to everyone that has some part in the military force, it is people like you that make the holidays enjoyable. Thank you to those that have served our military in the past. Whether it was World War One, World War Two, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan or anywhere else in the world, it is because of you that we are able to celebrate the holidays.
So, this holiday season when you are out with friends and family, if you see someone in the military or that has served, go up to them and thank them and wish them a happy holiday. They put their lives on the line for us every day and the holidays wouldn’t be the holidays without them.