I want you to know that I don't hold any hard feelings towards you and how you ghosted me . What I mostly feel is disappointed that you didn't have the courtesy to be honest with me. Really, what have we come to as human beings that you can't even be courteous enough to tell me that you don't think this will work out (since you can't exactly say you don't like me because you already told me that you did) or that you're talking to someone else you would rather be with.
Had you just told me honestly, I would have respected your wishes and respected you more as a person. (You can try to justify ghosting all you want, but we all know it's about your feelings and no one else's).
The sad thing is I actually really liked you. I liked you enough that your ghosting me actually caused me, a woman totally sure of herself, to question my self-worth for a minute there. For someone like me who does not date easily, I was ready and willing to start a relationship with you.
I was ready to commit my loyalty and devotion to you. And maybe that is exactly why you ghosted me. Maybe you weren't ready or looking for that kind of loyalty, and it scared you to death. Maybe it scared you enough that you had to run away and disappear (or maybe you're really just a jerk).
The saddest part of this whole thing though is that you ghosting me will hurt you more than it will ever hurt me (cliche but totally true). In the end, you will never find a person as honest and open about her feelings for you as me.
You will never know what utter loyalty and caring from a partner can be. Even if it's not right now, one day you will definitely wish for that kind of trust from your partner, and you won't get it (karma's a bitch like that).
Despite your ghosting act and because I truly still think you are a decent human being, I hope that your experience with me leaves you with the utmost regret so that someday you will have the wisdom to recognize someone or something worthwhile.
Though, I may have emerged from your chapter of my life a little bruised and jaded, I thank you sincerely for saving me from wasting even more of my time on you (for some odd reason, things never work out with people who lie to themselves).
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for reminding me of who I am and for strengthening my resolve to never be someone like you who will discount the feeling of others by not having the decency and courage to be honest and upfront with them. Thank you!