To The Grieving Heart | The Odyssey Online
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To The Grieving Heart

I know that nothing anyone can say will bring them back, but hopefully this can bring you some comfort.

To The Grieving Heart

I recently lost my second grandmother, and during this time I have come back to a few specific thoughts that bring me some comfort. I know nothing anyone can say will heal the deep hurt in your heart after losing someone you love, but hopefully these three thoughts will bring you at least a little sliver of peace too.

They are dancing up in heaven.

All the pain, suffering, sickness, loneliness, etc. is completely gone, COMPLETELY GONE. They feel absolutely nothing but peace, joy and comfort. One of my grandmother’s favorite songs was Amazing Grace, and so now when I think of her up in heaven I see her dancing to that beautiful hymn. Because once again she can walk, breathe, talk, sing AND dance. This world is full of pain and brokenness, and your loved one in heaven does not have to experience any of that anymore. They just might be even better off than you!

They were welcomed into the arms of Jesus.

Now that right there is a beautiful picture in my head, no explanation necessary. How many times have you been going through something difficult and prayed for God’s hand of comfort to rest on your shoulder? I know it has been quite a few for me, and your person did not even have to ask. They went to heaven and walked directly into Jesus’ embrace. He welcomed them there. He threw a party! They are being loved perfectly by the one who is love himself.

It is not a goodbye; just a see you later.

I know this is a cliché saying, but if you believe in Jesus there is a whole lot of truth to this. I know it hurts because you cannot see them everyday, and you cannot physically touch them anymore. But them returning home does not mean that you will never see them again. Life on earth is short, but life in heaven is eternal (like forever and ever no end kind of eternal). You will have plenty of time together again!

Your loved one is dancing up in heaven. They were welcomed into Jesus’ embrace. They will get to see you again one day. They are safely home.

And for those of you that say “But what if there is not a heaven?”

I would simply say, but what if there is.

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