To the girls who stole my everything, thank you.
How did it feel sleeping with him, knowing he was coming back to me? How did it feel knowing he was with me but leaving to hook up to you? How did it feel knowing that you were ruining a relationship? How could you sleep at night knowing that you were breaking someone's heart?
Did he tell you he loved you? Did he tell you he wanted to marry you and have kids? Did he tell you our future plans? Did he tell you how he had gotten a promise ring for me? Did he tell you that you were everything to him?
"You didn't know" we were together, yet our Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. were plastered with our pictures, statuses, tags saying how much we loved each other. You would see us out together and were in the same friend group as us. Yet you still "didn't know" that when you were crawling into bed with him. Or when he took you to our spot. Or when he'd use the same messages on you that he used on me. You "didn't know" that you'd eventually ruin a relationship.
The breakup was hard, but finding out that I was cheated on by my best friend was worse, but the thing that made it the hardest was girls I considered friends would do that to me. The breakup was ugly, and it's still ugly to this day. I ruined future relationships for him and he ruined them for me. Every day I think of how much I love him or loved him. I know he thinks about it too.
But out of all the girls, one sticks out. You know who you are. You two are dating.. he makes you feel like crap, he says you're together when he's with you but when you two are apart he wants nothing to do with you. He makes you buy his affection. He says all these sweet things like that he'll give you the world, but just think, he's used that line on me before and the only thing he gave me was a broken heart and confused family.
Well, I would say that I hope you two are happy together and that you got everything you wanted but really, I want to say screw you. And next time he says he has something else to do, or he is busy, or he gets a phone call when you are together and he hides the phone, just know its me. Just know he has told me,"I want to get back together, but not right now", "I still love you", "I miss you". So the next time you think he's changed and you two have it all together. I hope you think of me and what you did to us. And I hope he does it to you. Because a person that cheats or helps someone cheat deserves to know what it feels like to have your heart ripped out of your chest. You deserve to know what that feels like.
So, to all the girls that stole my everything, thank you. Thank you for ruining the best thing that I have ever had.
I'll be okay, I've moved on. But you'll see how tough it is when he does it to you.