I know that life can get pretty hectic, confusing, tiring, and all together rough. I know that sometimes that one bad grade can make you feel like you’ll never succeed. I know that job you did not get seems like the end of the world. I know it hurts to want someone you can't have. I know that growing up is a scary feeling. I know your relationship with God seems to be distant. However, I am here to tell you to take a deep breath, relax, and open your eyes. Do not lose faith just yet.
1. The bad grade you received
You just made a 60 on a test that you lost sleep and studied so hard for. College tests are pretty hard, and it takes hard work to maintain a good GPA. I know it seems like that one bad test grade should define your success, but sometimes you have to fail to succeed. We have to learn from our mistakes and get back up and have faith that our hard work will pay off soon.
2. The job you didn’t get
You had a perfect interview, but you did not get the job. If you are familiar with the saying everything happens for a reason, then you know that this is true. Sometimes the path you are going down is redirected because God has a different path he wants you to go down. Have faith in his plan that he has for you. The next job might be his plan for you.
3. The guy you wanted but couldn't have
We all crave the chase for the bad boys; the ones who only want to hang out when it is convenient for them. The inconsiderate boys who never talk to you again after leading you on. Ladies, what you allow will continue. Please know your worth and know that you deserve more. I know it seems like good guys do not exist, but I promise there are good guys waiting to sweep you off your feet and show you chivalry still exists. Have faith that God will bring someone good into your life.
4. The scary growing up feeling
Who isn’t afraid of growing up? I know I am and anyone who isn’t, then I applaud you. The beauty of life is discovering who you are. Growing up is the biggest process that helps us in doing so. I think that being scared to grow up is okay. We cling to the memories and the past because we don’t like the idea of forgetting. We don’t like the idea of leaving home and having to pay for bills. We don’t like the idea of spending hours at job while our friends are having fun, but growing up is life. Have faith and believe that God is holding your hand the whole time throughout the growing up process.
5. The distant relationship you seem to have with God
The chaos of life sometimes gets in the way of our relationship with God. Sometimes we focus so much time on petty things in this world that we forget what matters the most. We forget who we should really put in time with - God. Although no matter how far we drift from him, he is always there with open arms. Simply praying throughout the day, speaking to people about the word of God and living by the Word should be your focus. God is good. God is amazing. God is faithful. God is forever. God knows we have imperfections and that sometimes we get caught up with other things in life, but he continues to have faith we will drift back to him. You should too.
“Difficulties and obstacles are Gods Challenges to faith. When hindrances confront us in the path of duty, we are to recognize them as vessels for faith to fill with fullness and self-sufficiency of Jesus; and as we go forward, simply and fully trusting Him, we may be tested, we may have to wait and let patience have her perfect work; but we shall surely find at last the stone rolled away and the Lord waiting to render to us double for our time of testing.”-A.B. Simpson