Holidays are the time everyone gets together to exchange gifts, rejoice in the birth of Jesus, and anxious ladies wait for you to put a ring on it. The days after Christmas and New Year's on Facebook and Instagram is a never-ending slideshow of ladies doing the “I SAID YES” hand-up pose. To the girls who got engaged, I'm proud for you. To the girls who didn't get engaged, this one's for you.
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If you're in a relationship and he didn't propose, he's just waiting for the perfect time instead of doing a cliche act by asking you on Christmas. If you're single, like me, you should be happy and take advantage of not getting engaged. Embrace your singleness. Reminder: you don't need a man to be happy.
Life is about more than just finding a man. There’s a whole world out there to experience. Travel, try new things with your friends, explore new hobbies or go around the country volunteering. See? You didn’t need a man for any of that. If you're in college, you don't know where your future career goals will take you, so think twice before getting tied down this early in life.
On the contrary, If you are considering finding a man, you must, at first, learn to love yourself. Dig deep within to demonstrate your worth and don't settle for someone less than your expectations. Be careful and be picky with whomever has the honor to hold your heart. Make your destiny a destination of choice, not chance, and also take all the time in the world trying to find your "Mr. Right." You are complete and lovely and whole.You are perfectly capable of doing things alone, and you don't need another person to fill that void. You have what it takes on your own, so please, don't be afraid of being single.
Instead of focusing on finding a relationship or getting married, focus on yourself. Put your goals before anything else. Also, look at all the perks of being single: you have more time for friends, you have more money that isn't being spent on your significant other, and most importantly, you can focus on self-improvement and bettering yourself.
So, next time you see your newsfeed loaded up with love birds, don't get jealous, just think about how great it will be when you order a pizza and don't have to share it with anyone.