Sometimes I can’t be bothered to change out of my pajamas all day. Sometimes I live on fast food for days at a time (and loving every fried minute of it). Sometimes makeup seems like the biggest waste of time. Why bother with nail polish (I’ll get too impatient to let it dry, end up messing it up, and peeling all of it off)? My laundry pile is as tall as I am. I’m a fan of making weird (and I mean weird) faces and dancing in the aisles of the grocery store. The trendiest I’ll ever be is wearing shirts that are so oversized, it looks like I don’t have shorts on underneath (but I totally do). My ideal Friday night is hanging with the fam.
But that’s not always how it is.
Other times, I could spend hours watching makeup tutorials online. Other times, I’ll try on random outfits in my room just for fun. Other times, doing my hair boosts my confidence a good ten points (fifteen points if I actually do a good job). Other times, I’d pick skinny jeans over sweat pants. Other times, I’m taking pictures specifically for Instagram and editing them to my liking. Other times, I’ll be out all day with friends, laughing obnoxiously loud (and annoying people around us). I could easily do some major damage at the mall in a few short hours. I’m not ashamed to say Starbucks is my beverage destination of choice (and yes I do enjoy a nice PSL). I relate to Clueless on a spiritual level.
Sometimes I literally don’t care, and other times I want you to applaud how even my eyeliner is. It’s confusing to be me sometimes I guess.
I kinda like it though.
So here’s to the girls who are an absolute mess half of the time and Elle Woods the rest of the time. The girls who feel just as confident running to class with their wet hair in a bun as they do in a dress.
I mean “get you a girl that can do both”, right?