Moving away from home for the first time is daunting enough. Then, you have to factor in the fact you're going to be living among complete strangers. Little do you know, these strangers are soon to be some of your best friends. These are the people who are going to get you through this first year. Love them or not, they're what you have.
So, to the girls on my floor,
Thank you.
Thank you for sitting in the middle of the hallway eating salsa with me during a black out (or just during the week).
Thank you for always coming in when you see my door is open (which is like 95 percent of the time).
Thank you for taking pictures of me when I collapse outside of the dining hall.
Thank you for joining intramural sports with me (even if we suck at volleyball but we won the soccer championship).
Thank you for providing me with pickles on National Pickle Day.
Thank you for sprinting to the dining hall with me while it's pouring rain.
Thank you for talking about Odyssey articles with me (and even reviewing them before I submit them).
Thank you for letting me eat your Domino's even though I didn't pay.
Thank you for leaving quotes to inspire me on me board (even though some of them are more funny than inspirational).
Thank you for attending random WNE sporting events with me, even when it's freezing outside.
Most importantly,
Thank you for making this feel like my new home. I can't wait to see what second semester has in store for us.