It is okay to let go of the past. It is okay to ask for help. It is okay to be dependent on someone. It is okay to not be able to solve every problem or be the peace maker in every situation. I have been struggling for the past few weeks with feeling stuck and trying to find growth. But finally I hit that point and found that growth that I've been going after. I finally let go and let God do His work on me and it is so worth it.
God teaches us in silence, through trials, and through the good seasons. There is always a purpose behind every season in life. We can forever count on God to come through and teach us what the point is of every season in life. To the girl with the growing heart, I see you and I am praying for you. Sometimes you need a little longer than others and sometimes you get stuck in a dry season. But here is my promise to you:
God will always will reveal what it is that He is trying to prepare your hearts for.
To the sweet girl out there who has a guarded heart and throws up the biggest walls ever imagined: its okay. Let love in and let the past go. God is just a merciful and forgiving God. The chains from the past aren’t worth holding on to. God is trying to work on your heart so let Him. God wants to prosper your life, not see you chained to your past.
If any of you are like me, I struggle with letting people and love in. With that being said my prayer is,
“Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior”
Don’t try to put your heart in a place that its not ready for, God has his perfect timing even if we don’t understand or if we think we aren’t ready. Once everything comes together and your heart falls into place the unending joy and love that will continually flow in will be something that will cause you to never be the same ever again.
Spirit break out
Break our walls down
Spirit break out
Heaven come down
I am praying for your hearts, sweet friends. It is okay to let go and let people and love in. Don’t hold back, God will guard you in his own way. Remember there is nothing bigger than Him and He is waiting to see you and what He made you to be.
You be you and Let Him do the rest. When the trying times come, go to Him! Your heart is a gift from God and He is waiting to use you for that very reason. Don't give up friend, praying for you!
Psalm 19:4
4 May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight,
Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.