We as dreamers often get asked a variety of questions or get a lot of statements thrown our way, things like, "What are you going to do with a major like that?" or "Oh, that's your major?" Some of us have even been told that our dreams are too big. That they're ridiculous or unachievable. That if we have a major like that we aren't going to get a job after college.
This one's for the girl who's dreams aren't big enough. For the girl who can't stop thinking about the dream job that she wants. Who spends every second of every single day daydreaming about what she wants to do for the rest of her life. For the girl who imagines her studio apartment in Chicago or New York, or any other city that she's been told is too dangerous, that she couldn't handle living in.
This is for the girl whose doubted herself because of what people have told her. For the girl who fears that she won't be good enough to do what she loves. The girl who doubts her dreams, her passions.
You can do anything. You can be a New York Times bestselling author, you can be the CEO of any company, you can be a professor at any college, you can open up your own clothing store. Stop letting people determine what you can and cannot do. Your dreams belong to you and no one else, and the moment that you realize that becomes the moment when you can feel free. Free to make your own decisions and free to dream about whatever it is that makes you happy.
You don't have to listen to those people who try to crush your dreams. You don't have to let those questions tear you down and make you doubt everything that you've been working for. Instead of letting them arouse fear, let them motivate you. Let those questions fuel your desires. Let that passion ignite and be a reason to prove them wrong. Go get that job, get that apartment. Make your dreams a reality. Never stop working for what you truly want in life.
Your dreams are not too big. They are too small. You are capable of so much more than you believe, no matter what anyone has ever told you or whatever anyone might tell you in the future. As the amazing Rupi Kaur says, "Since day one, she's already had everything she needs within herself. It's the world that convinced her she did not." You have whatever it is you're dreaming about inside of you. Don't let anyone dull your purpose.
This one's for the girl whose dreams are "too" big. Prove them wrong, and live your dream.