You think no one sees those brief moments when you stop to catch your breath. Those moments when you stop running around and have the occasional second to contemplate what you're doing. But I do see you. In fact, I see you every morning when you wake up and look in the mirror. You may think no one is there to hold you when you need it the most, but you're wrong.
I want you to know it's OK to stop what you're doing and look around you. It's only human of us to admit defeat at times. I know you're too strong to surrender, though. I want to tell you something in the brief time that it takes you to read this.
It is OK to rest. You should know that after countless hours of scrambling to be somewhere that at one point, exhaustion sets in. It's not only physical exhaustion you feel after being on your feet for so many hours a day. It’s the exhaustion that kicks in when you overthink and analyze everything to the tee. It gets tiring laying your body down to rest only to find that the mental portion of you won't stop working. You lay there with a fatigued body and mind, already worrying about the next day you have to conquer.
I have a surprise for you. You are doing just fine, darling. I know you're worried about not living up to the potential other people talk about. In all honesty, though, who cares what other people say about you! You worry so much about making a difference in the world when you already are making a difference by just existing. Sure, I understand that life gets busy, and it gets easy to get caught up in the hype, but you aren’t living a life to please others. You are living a life to serve your own purpose.
You should not have to live by what other people tell you what is right and what is wrong. You are doing a mighty fine job of accomplishing what you need to get done all by yourself. I know it gets lonely at times, but just think of the great success and goals you will soon be accomplishing when all is said and done.
It's hard enough wondering if you are going the right way in life, let alone having people watch you every step to see when or if you are going to break. You're smarter than that and far too wise beyond your years to fall to other people's judgments of your characteristics that you worked so hard to achieve.
I just wanted to tell you that I do see you, every morning and every night. I hear the silent thoughts that no one else hears. I see the struggles throughout your days that you try so hard to hide from other people's sight. You're only human and you can only do so much. Before you start to critique yourself so harshly, take a moment and appreciate just how far you have come. You are in this for yourself, and you will do great things.
Just know that those great things that you will achieve take time. Be patient with yourself and be forgiving, not many people in this world are. Be the change that you wish the world had.