A pretty big topic in today's world is gender equality. What most of us mean by gender equality is that men and woman are treated equally. Seems simple, but it's often muddled with different definitions of "equal." One of the debates about gender equality is about scouting. Everyone has heard of Boy and Girl Scouts, but more and more girls are wanting to get into Boy Scouts, because Boy Scouts typically do more camping and more interactive activities. While this might be true, we still have Girl Scouts, making men and women equal in the sense of scouting.
So why are women and girls not happy with Girl Scouts?
The Girl Scouts of USA is part of World Association Girl Guides and Girl Scouts and are strictly girls-only. The GSUSA is only two years younger than the Boy Scouts of America and just as well renowned, so why isn't it good enough for some girls?
Most girls that join Girl Scouts want to go camping, I know I did when I joined; but most of the troops don't go. Reasons differ from troop to troop, but there's always the stereotype that girls aren't strong enough to go camping. Though girls can always ask about camping and other activities for the troop to do; troop leaders might not even have thought about some things.
People probably think that the merit badges Girl Scouts earn are what we would consider more 'feminine' activities like cooking and taking care of babies or animals, but in actuality, most of the merit badges that Girl Scouts earn are meant to teach girls important skills that every person should know, like financial literacy, which is required of every Girl Scout in every age level.
The selling of Girl Scouts Cookies are also a big part of Girl Scouts and it's not just because everyone loves them so much, it's because girls get to learn about money and running a business, something that more and more girls and women are doing in today's society. The sales of the cookies also don't go straight to the GSUSA CEO's pocket, it helps troops get to take trips to DC, go to summer camp and do community projects.
But one of the big things that Boy Scouts does that Girl Scouts doesn't get to do is the National Scout Jamboree. The reason Girl Scouts don't do a Jamboree event is because the Jamboree is a ten day long camping trip. Again, Girl Scouts aren't known for their camping, so it's hard for the Girl Scouts to compete with Jamboree, but with a bit more effort, Girl Scouts could get to be known for their camping and cookies, which would be one more than the Boy Scouts have (Boy Scouts sell popcorn, which is great and all but it will never beat Thin Mints and Samoas).
Girl Scouts isn't all about getting a badge for cooking and being a posh and polite little lady, it's about learning and growing into a strong woman. I was only in Girl Scouts for a year before my troop fell apart, but I know many former Girl Scouts that are strong and independent women.
So in our world were we strive for gender equality, why are we not happy with the gender equality that we have in scouting? And if it's not what they want, why aren't girls trying to change the way Girl Scouts scout?