To the girl who thinks she is not pretty.
To the one who looks in the mirror and cant stand to look at herself.
To the one who gets ready in the dark so she cant see her imperfections.
To the one who wishes she looked like the model in the magazine or the actress on TV.
I say, enough of that.
Enough wishing and wanting to be everyone else but yourself.
Guess what? You are you, God made you this way because you are what the world needed.
He made you with those brown or green eyes, curly or straight hair, big or little nose, overweight, or extremely underweight. Because you, in some way, with all of your little imperfections, your shape, and your size is meant for this world in some way.
So, your probably reading this because you saw the title of this article and thought of yourself. You thought this's article would make you feel better and give you some hope that one day you'll be pretty. Well, as of now you are who you are, and that is beautiful, I don't even have to know you to say that too. Because I believe that every person has something beautiful about them. Wether its your big blue eyes, your beautiful curvy shape, or your great sense of humor it makes you beautiful.
However, beautiful is only just a word, and I don't think it does justice to define you.
So, now I'm going to get down to it, because I wrote this not to tell you that you should feel beautiful but to tell you not to be beautiful.
Because is beautiful really the best thing you can be? No it's not, especially when you can be so many other things. So I say, be creative, be witty, be charming, be hilarious, be weird, be dramatic, be optimistic, be a friend, be a hand to hold, be a partner in crime, be absolutely ridiculous, be scared, be nervous, be sweet, be a giver, and be you. Most of all be alive. all of these characteristics feel good, and make others feel good, and quite honestly I'd rather be all of these other qualities than beautiful. And I'm sure you've heard it a million times but being beautiful in the inside will always overpower the outside.
Im not saying that after reading this you will all of a sudden feel better about yourself and wake up the next morning and embrace everything you normally critique about you, but over time I hope your perspective can change, I hope you will see yourself as your friends do, as your family does, and as you have always had the power to do. Loving yourself will be the hardest, and longest project you will ever do, and there is no due date on when you all of a sudden will achieve this but I hope that little by little you can do it. Life has so much to offer and if we are holding back from life because of how the mirror or pictures portray us we will never truly live life to the fullest.
So don't be angry for eating the extra piece of pie or extra glass of wine, or skipping your run yesterday morning, because that doesn't define beauty and isn't going to make you wake up the next morning looking significantly different. So I say eat the cake and just be you, and hopefully one day you see the way we all see you and that is not beautiful or pretty but amazing.
Cheers, to all of the amazing women out there.