To The Girl Who Thinks She Is Not Enough | The Odyssey Online
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To The Girl Who Thinks She Is Not Enough

"You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody." - Maya Angelou

To The Girl Who Thinks She Is Not Enough

It's time to open your eyes and realize how great of a person you are.

We've all been through heartbreak, and it's one of the worst things a person could experience. You sit in your room, wondering what you did wrong or how you could've been better, blaming yourself for every little thing that went wrong. Because there's just no possible way that they could've been any part of the problem, it always has and always will be you. Right?

Well that just isn't the case.

Your worth should never be determined by the person you are with; you were your own person before they walked into your life and you are even still. You determine your worth and you make the conscious decision to better yourself every single day. You are a smart, caring, and wonderful individual that just like everyone else deserves only the best in life. I've had many friends go through this situation themselves, and I would like to pass on the same type of advice I gave to them now to you.

Self love and value is a very important. This is a trait that I believe everyone should have, yet it is something our generation and others seem to struggle with. For, if you cannot love yourself, how can you go out and love another person? As someone who loves to give, I can understand that giving to others is what gives you joy. But at the same time it is still important to put your happiness before others and to do things just for yourself.

Not only will self love make you feel better on the inside, it will also give you the boost of confidence you may need in the future to get back out there and find the person that is right for you. While things may still seem a little hopeless, there is someone out there for everyone, and it is your job to find them.

Let your friends be there for you. It may seem like the world is against you when it comes to love, but all you really need to do is look around and realize that your friends are willingly able and want to help you get better. They were there before and they still are now. So don't shut them out, don't give them excuses. Because the sooner you let them in to help mend your heart, the sooner things can get better.

Optimism is Key. While things are starting to feel a little dull, glum, and grey, it is important to always see the brighter side in life. A relationship may have ended, but you could have learned a lot from it. Every relationship you have whether it be romantic or platonic helps mold you into the person you are becoming today.

So the next time you may be experiencing those feelings, sitting up in your room silently digging away at a small tub of Ben & Jerry's and thinking of all the things that you may have done wrong, remember this:

You are wonderful. You are amazing. You are enough.

Never forget who you truly are.

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