My entire life I have always said yes. If you need help, yes. If you need a favor, yes. I tend to have a packed schedule. I get involved with many things until I crash. This article is for the people like me. The people who can appear so calm, yet their mind is racing on to the next activity on their to-do list. I am here to say it is OKAY TO SAY NO.
We like to help others and we strive to be a service to anyone around. This is a great quality we should be proud of. However, it is also a curse. When we are swamped with our already stressful commitments and we are presented with a new opportunity or favor we say yes even though our mind cries NO!! Why do we do this?
I always feel a sense of guilt if I cannot do something. I feel as though I let someone down or I am being selfish. But, heres the truth, you can’t be on all the time. Everyone needs sleep and me time. It is not selfish to admit you are not super woman and cannot be at two places at one time. It is okay to admit you have bitten more than you can chew. It is okay to admit defeat.
With that being said, you are strong. You can do more than you think is possible. When presented with a new opportunity, take time to think about what you really want, instead of an immediate reaction. Ask yourself this question, “Do I have the ability to give my all into every task before me?” If the answer is no then move on until you can answer that question with a yes.