"You don't have to be like anyone else. You just need to learn more about your creative self and start blooming." - Deborah Day
To the girl who needs to love herself,
Stop. Stop looking into the mirror and pointing out all of your flaws and telling yourself that you are not good enough. Stop putting everyone else's needs before your own. Stop feeling sorry whenever you make a mistake and then beat yourself up for hours afterwards.
You are not perfect and that is okay.
It's totally okay for you to want to put your wants and needs first, that is not being selfish and don't let anyone tell you that it is. If there is someone in your life calling you selfish for wanting to put yourself first, then maybe you don't need them in your life. Be open to cutting out the negative influences in your life. You don't need the negativity and it is only going to bring you down.
Loving yourself begins with letting go of the negative people and influences in your life who hinder you from achieving all that you are capable of. Start letting in the positive things that make you smile and the people who lift you up, even on the darker days. Once you let those positive vibes in, start putting yourself first. Other people's needs and wants do not need to go before yours. You are your first priority. No one else is. Take care of yourself first. Do the things you want to do, have fun and enjoy your life!
Once you begin taking care of yourself first and surrounding yourself with people who only want the best for you, I promise that the next time you'll look in the mirror, you wont hear those negative comments and you won't notice your flaws. You'll just see the twinkle in your eyes and smile because for the first time, in a long time, you are blissfully and unapologetically happy with who you are and where you are.
So quit hating yourself, and quit allowing others to walk all over you. Stand your ground and love yourself first. Everything else will fall into place and you'll be much happier with the life you lead.
A girl who learned to love herself