Let me start off by saying this: You are waisting your time.
Cut the crap. You are single. Get over it. This is not permanent state and no matter how many times you complain to your friends that you are indeed destined to be alone forever, you and I both know that is not true in the slightest sense. There are way too many people on this planet for you to never find someone you are compatible with.
By you constantly complaining (aloud or in your precious brain), you are not going to change the state of your singleness. In fact, by continuing to express your singleness in a negative way, you are only going to attract more negative energy. Your words have a heavier impact than you think.
Besides, what is soterrible about being single? And why do you find the need to say ridiculous phrases such as, "I'm unlovable." Really? Do you honestly hear yourself? If not, maybe record yourself and watch all the times you have sounded absolutely absurd.
I'm not writing this article to tell you that you are a pathetic, desperate, and dramatic human being.
I'm writing this article to tell you to quit sounding like one and to start embracing being single. Let me point out to you one thing: This is the time in your life where it can be all about you. No, I am not saying to go ahead and live your life as a superficial and heartless individual. I am saying to go explore everything and anything you have wanted to. You are not bound to another person. I'm not putting down marriage when I say this because I do view marriage as very sacred, but once you're married, it is not going to be all about you anymore. You are literally vowing to commit yourself and to care for another human being.
So go explore who you are right now. Isn't the basis of a relationship anyway to share yourself and all your amazing qualities with another person? Right now is the time where you should focus on growing into your authentic self more and more every day. Therefore, once the time is right, and you are meant to be in a relationship, you will have so much to share with your significant other because you have spent the time creating a life for yourself.
I know you have plenty of dreams. If you have the tendency to say, "I don't know what I want to do with my life when I get older," we both know that's not entirely true. Look back to the young girl you once were and I can guarantee you that you probably could have written a novel based on all the dreams you wanted to accomplish when you grew up. Dig back into that child you were and rediscover passions that might have gotten lost along the way of growing up. Find your passions, and focus on them. If you already know your passions, focus on developing those passions.
Listen, all I want you to do is to stop focusing on what you don't have right now...which is currently a relationship. I once read that happiness does not come from who you love, or who loves you. True happiness comes from what you do. Go do something spectacular with your life because doing leads to contentment. Build the life of your dreams and continue to be patient. After all, that special someone is most likely going to come when you are not looking. Trust the process. You'll be okay, I promise.