To The Girl Who Just Got Her Heart Broken | The Odyssey Online
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To The Girl Who Just Got Her Heart Broken

No one ever said finding the one would be easy.

To The Girl Who Just Got Her Heart Broken

On average, girls will have their heart broken at least seven times in their life. On average, those seven heartbreaks feel like the world. Here is the best advice I can give to every girl out there who feels like their world just came crashing down on them because no one ever said finding the one would be easy.

Dear Heartbroken Girl,

I'm not going to sugar coat it, he doesn't miss you. If he did, he wouldn't have let you go. Love, I mean real love, is unstoppable. I don't care how many good times you had, how his kiss felt, or how he always sent you a goodnight text message. It doesn't matter now and that's the cold, hard truth. Why am I telling you all of this? Because you need to heal. In order to heal, first, you need to accept that it happened. Because it did and to be quite honest, you can't change that now.

Do you remember when you were little and you fell down and scraped your knee? Your mom would pour hydrogen peroxide on the cut and put a band-aid over it. Why did she do that? To make it heal faster, that's why. She could've just left you to bleed and eventually your knee would have scabbed up and healed itself. But she didn't because she cared about you and didn't want you to have to prolong your pain and neither do I. So, I know you feel alone right now but I want to tell you something, you're not. I know so many girls out there who are going through what you're going through at this very moment. I've been one of them, and if I'm quite honest, I'm there now and this is probably my 7349572345 heartbreak. You probably don't want to broadcast that you're in pain over this right now in order to get someone to reach out, so you don't have to. I'll walk through this with you in the best way I know how. Without further adieu, let's get you over this dummy.

I know that I am sappy, but you can't fool me. I know what you're doing. You're sitting in your room, your bathroom, a classroom, a Starbucks, or wherever and you're scrolling down his page. Stop. It's not going to help you, I promise. The only thing that you are doing when looking at his page is hurting yourself even further than you already are by "letting him take up real estate in your mind that he can't afford", as my professor once told me. Block him. Block his mom, his dad, his best friend, or his ex that bothered you and somehow keeps popping into your mind when you think of him. It will help you, I promise. The famous saying "Out of sight, out of mind." works, and it works well. I know that for the first few hours or days he will still be on your mind but guess what? In this day and age not being able to see anything that relates to him social media wise will make you forget him for the time being when the wound is still fresh.

I know what you're thinking now, "That's what they all say". Yes, I know it is. But there is a reason they all say it. The Scientific Method didn't become the Scientific Method by not working. Right now, you're in your most vulnerable and it is important that you don't succumb to this vulnerability because, yes, you will find yourself texting him that you miss him if you do and that is exactly what you should NOT do. Once you've gotten rid of (or at least hidden) everything that reminds you of him (social media, teddy bears, pictures, etc...), go do something. Anything as long as it doesn't involve him. Go on a run, go paint, cook, watch The Office, etc... Distracting yourself is key. You'll be so busy doing something else that you won't have time to think about him and eventually if you keep this routine up, he will fade away faster than dye on cheap jeans from Forever 21. Trust me, I've been there. I use to sit in my room debating to text him just to see if he'd respond or just to get me to pop into his mind and realize that maybe he does miss me after all and then we'd get back together and happily ever after! Nope. It doesn't work that way, I don't care how many Katherine Heigl rom-coms you watch.

I learned from experience that your mind tricks you. Somewhere in the process that I've just tried to walk you through, this little thought will pop into your head. "Why? I just want to know why." He's a sneaky little thought, so watch out for him. I'm going to be honest with you the way that I have been throughout this whole letter, you don't want to know why. You want what you had back and you're mind has this underlying motive that if it can make you wonder why it can make you ask him. After that, guess what? Your mind will trick you into thinking that when you know why, you can fix it and it should piece back together just swimmingly. Again, nope. It doesn't work that way. But why? Because you broke up for several reasons that fall hide behind one big reason. Maybe its because you were too sensitive, maybe its because you were too talkative, or maybe you didn't do enough. The possibilities are endless.

So lets say it was one of these reasons, just for kicks, like maybe he said it was because "you were too sensitive." Well, why does he think that? Maybe its because you got mad that one time when he wanted to stay at the party and you didn't. What ever it may be, there is something you should know. If he's not seeing your feelings as valid compared to his, he's not going to take into account your feelings when he decides to do something that would effect you too, and if he's not going to do that, he doesn't care enough. And that, that is the root of it all. It just wasn't enough to keep you and it shouldn't have been.

Someone who is in love with you, real love, would never feel like any expression of care for you is enough. There will always be another party he can go to, another basketball game he can watch, etc... but there will never be another you that he can have. Remember that. You are you, and if he doesn't care enough about the beautiful being that you are, all your rants about what your best friend said or all the times you snorted when you laughed, he isn't enough for you. You've never seen anyone want to eat food after it has expired, have you? Because they know it will hurt them in the long run.

So, without further adieu,

Let go, because one day you will find someone who doesn't.


Everyone Who Loves You

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