Love, or even like, in this day and age has become a joke. Everything about it. Our generation has messed up the idea of dates, chivalry, everything. Everyone expects the Nicholas Sparks love to just happen. Yeah, that’s far fetched, but being treated right is not far-fetched and should constantly be reinforced. Today people expect to just dance with any and everyone in the bars at night and to hookup whenever you need affection. Hookups aren’t relationships, and hurt people more than they help. That isn’t how it should be.
Guys and girls suffer from the fear of commitment. People these days don’t understand that relationships are a 100-100 commitment. Today, people assume that a relationship is a 95-5/75-25/50-50 type thing. THIS IS NOT TRUE. I repeat: THIS IS NOT TRUE. The day everyone understands this is the day that we can expect everything to start falling back to the way it's supposed to be.
So to the girl who is with a guy who doesn’t treat her the way she should be treated, you deserve better. You deserve better than someone who doesn’t care about how you feel and who doesn’t take care of you. You deserve someone who will drop anything to make sure you’re okay. You deserve someone who will bring you flowers, candy, soup, and medicine when you’re sick. You deserve someone who will call you when they think something is wrong in hopes of making you feel better. You deserve someone who will text you back. You deserve someone who will hold you when you cry at night just so you will feel safe. You deserve someone who gives you their undivided attention when you’re together. You deserve someone who will surprise you with random dates where neither of you know where you’re going. You deserve the type of happiness found in the cheese love movies. You deserve someone who will talk positively about you always. You deserve someone who isn’t afraid to call you his. Heck, he should WANT to call you his. He should want to tell everyone. You deserve more.
I know you have fallen for him and that you don’t want to believe that there could possibly be someone in this world who would treat you better, but you do. It’s okay for him to not be the one. Your guy is out there. I promise you he is and I’m not just saying this either. This is the hard truth. You have to let go of the people who don’t treat you like the queen you are. It’s doable. I promise.
Someone who has been there