To the girl who is scared.. | The Odyssey Online
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To the girl who is scared..

you are more capable than you know

To the girl who is scared..

Dear Girl,

Look how far you've come. Yes you have had help along the way, but girl you did this. You are so so brave. We all knew you had it in you, and we were waiting for you to see it too.

To the girl who is scared to leave her family for college.

Your family loves you, and wants the best for you. I know they probably helped you through the highs and lows, but you were there too. You helped yourself, and they were just there to cheer you on. Whether it be your mom, dad, uncle, aunt, grandparents or whoever it is that you could always count on; they know that you are awesome and they believe in you. So don't be scared because you can do it without them; even if you don't want to.

To the girl who is scared to chase her dreams.

What a waste of your own time it would be if you didn't show the world your talents. Rejection isn't fun, but you never know what will happen. Sometimes you need to fail the first few times just to make your next success all that much better. Maybe the college life isn't for you, or maybe you just graduated. Whatever the case, what are you waiting on? Life doesn't slow down for anyone. If you have a career or personal goal, you go get it. You are way more likely to achieve success when you have it set in your mind. So buy a planner/notebook, jot everything down and don't stop until you have reached the top.

To the girl who is scared to be alone.

No matter what, someone is always with you. You might not always realize it, but you are never alone. It is scary to feel that way and not knowing what can happen next, but you have to have faith. Even if you are waiting on your prince charming, he is coming but you will be okay by yourself, for now. It will all work out in the end, even if isn't the way you had sketched it out originally.

To the girl who is scared to be herself.

How many times do you want me to tell you that you are incredible? I don't mean when you have a contoured and put on your falsies, I mean right now. The girl that is eating goldfish wearing unicorn socks. The girl who binge-watched a series in a week. The girl that just ran 3 miles. The girl that has been babysitting all day. That girl is awesome. She doesn't need to change who she is to please anyone. She is already so fearless and astonishing. Wear the jersey with the camo combat boots. Put your hair in a messy bun. Go hunting, shopping, reading or play sports. Whatever your heart desires, you should do. People will always talk, but they never have power until you give it to them.

To the girl who is scared she isn't good enough.

I have to stop you right there. That is the last time you should ever think that. You are good enough, in fact you are better than that. The media shows the highlights of other people's life. In reality, we all struggle and there will always be a battle for someone. You are perfect the way you are. Beauty is an opinion and only matters within the heart. You don't need to compare yourself to anyone, because no one is like you. We are all equal and unique; there is no such thing as someone not being "good enough". Don't be so hard on yourself. Take the day off and remember how fabulous you are. Build up your confidence and embrace your inner rockstar.

P.S. You bewilder us all, and we can't wait to see all the lives you change and mountains you climb. Take your courage with you always. May you soar all the seas and soak up the glory on the way. Go be extra sassy today and us girls will be here rallying you on.

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