To the girl who is starting off this semester with failing grades, confusion, or distraction, you are not alone.
Sometimes, especially with difficult classes, it's super hard to start the semester strong and it can get very frustrating. College is not easy, and if you aren't struggling, then you are one of the very few. Just keep in mind there's so much that you can do in order to push through the stressful times.
You've tried everything from pulling all nighters, overdosing on caffeine, and spending what feels like all your time studying. You start to realize you have no free time to do the things that you once loved to do, and that so much time is put into school, but your grades don't reflect that.
This may make you feel like you cannot go through the stress of being in school anymore. One thing to keep in mind is that you cannot give up just because you started off badly, and feel like there's no point in even trying anymore. You should not be afraid to ask for help when you need it, and make sure that your priorities are straight.
Avoid procrastination and waiting to do things until the last minute. Find a place that makes you relaxed and at ease where you can do your schoolwork, that will ensure that your best work is put forward.
This should be your
motivation to push through, and focus on doing the best you can. It may not end with your ideal grade in the class, but I can promise you that it will benefit you to try harder than to give up entirely. Getting use to the professors, how they teach, and their grading system, can be difficult and it could take a couple failures to learn the right way to prepare, or figure out what works best for you, but just knowing that you are not alone, and that
you should always stay positive, will help you survive the rest of the semester. It's not the end of the world, and there's always hope if you
keep a positive mindset.