There’s no denying that at one point in all of our lives we’ve felt overlooked by someone. Sometime we may feel overlooked by a whole group of people, basically prompting us to feel like outsiders in any social setting. This notion of being overlooked could be considered the cause of not being outgoing enough, not “going with the flow” of a group dynamic, or not being “relatable.” Yes, some people just aren’t meant to mesh with others, but if you feel out of place with people you consider your good friends, there’s something going on. Maybe they’re not your real friends, or they don’t see you as being as close to them as you wish they did. Some people are just hard to read, which definitely sucks, but there’s nothing you can do to change that; you can’t dive into someone’s mind and figure out what they’re truly thinking at all times.
If you’re stuck in a situation where it’s hard to read others, you probably think you’re just overly emotional. This may be true, but who says that’s a bad thing? Personally, I’ve never had a hard time expressing my emotions and I have friends that choose to not express theirs, so it is sometimes difficult to break them down and figure them out. Don’t let your emotions deter you from continuing to put yourself out there. Holding yourself back from growing into a relationship with others because you don’t mind being happy all the time, or crying when you feel it’s necessary, is something that would prompt people to overlook you. They may think you’re “too shy” because you don’t know how to act in group settings without showing too much emotion when, in reality, you’re just afraid of being judged or looked down on. Trust me, the people that want to be your friend will not look base your relationship over how happy, sad, or angry you ay be at certain times, but just how great of a person you are as a whole. There is no reason or purpose to worry over what people think of you as long as you are being true to yourself.
You may think it’s you that’s the problem, but that is most definitely NOT true. You’re never the problem. You should never think that you’ve done something wrong or that you said the wrong thing because in most cases, you haven't. Usually, the people that overlook you are the ones who are missing out. They look past your awesome personality and ability to hold a conversation with anyone about anything, or to offer advice when necessary, or just about anything else that would constitute you as being a good friend.
Yes, it is definitely rough to feel like you’re being overlooked by people, but in reality, you just have to keep doing you. Just know that you’ve done nothing wrong in any type of situation and you should never feel like you need to apologize for anything—there’s nothing to be sorry for. The people that want to keep you in their life and those that are meant to stay in yours will come around and make things better. They’ll only help make you a better person while they better themselves. There will be a time where you never have to feel like you’re overlooked by anyone, and that will be a great time.