Stop feeling bad for yourself and stop moping around. Stop thinking you don’t matter. Stand up for yourself and realize how much you do matter. If you don’t know your worth then no one will know your worth. Stop settling for the boy who doesn’t deserve you. Stop chasing after the boy who doesn’t deserve your time. Stop thinking you will never be good enough for anyone. We shouldn’t let boys control how we think of ourselves, but we do. Every girl is guilty of it. But it comes to a point when you have to realize the only opinion that should matter is your own. You have to have respect for yourself. I have finally realized that just because one guy doesn’t think I’m worth anything doesn’t mean I have to feel that way about myself.
Stop settling for the guy that doesn’t treat you right. Stop dating the guy that makes you unhappy just because you don’t want to be alone. Stop letting him make you feel like you don’t deserve better. At no point is it worth putting yourself in so much misery just because you’re afraid to lose him. It is time to get confidence in yourself and drop him. You don’t need him. If you know in your heart that the relationship is not healthy, please stop settling. I know it's hard letting someone go but you need to do it for yourself. You need to realize your worth is so much more than what he is crediting you for. Respect yourself enough to say goodbye to the guy who made you think it's okay to settle. You settled because somehow in your brain you justified the relationship. He does the "little things," whatever that means. News flash, the little things do not matter, so stop. You deserve the best and to always be treated right. He shouldn’t make you feel so little about yourself. Stop letting him make you feel like settling is okay, he obviously does not know your worth.
Stop chasing the boy that is not worth your time. I know the game is fun, but why play the game if you know you will get hurt? Stop letting yourself and a boy play your heart. If he really wanted to be with you and knew how much your worth is he would have already been yours by now. I know it is hard to hear but it’s the truth. He doesn’t deserve you! Do not let him play you because he knows you will do anything for him. That’s not the boy you deserve. He might tell you all the things you want to hear but if all he does is talking and not showing, why are you still after him? You should know that he should be chasing you, never chase after a guy. That is prime example that you don’t know your worth. Stop letting this boy break your heart. Stop letting him win. He makes you feel like you're not worth anything but that’s not fair. Show him what your worth is and stop playing the game. Have enough respect for yourself to realize he is not the boy you need or want.
I know having a broken heart can kill all your confidence in yourself. It can make you feel like you don’t deserve anything and make you feel like there is something wrong with you. I promise none of that is true. The boy that broke your heart just didn’t know your worth. You matter and you are good enough. You are just you and there is nothing wrong with you. Do not let him make you feel bad about yourself. I know the pain is so strong there is nothing left to feel, I know it hurts. But what hurts more: letting him break your heart or letting yourself break your own heart because of how you're making yourself feel? I promise you're worth so much more and one day the pain will go away because you will find a guy that actually deserves you.
When I finally realized that I actually was worth way more than what the guy that broke my heart thought I was, the pain went away. I have way more respect for myself than that guy will ever have for me. I love myself enough to fight back all the awful things I thought of myself because of him. I am worth way more than he will ever think of me and that’s okay. One day you and I will find the boy that knows exactly what we are worth. So stop being sad and grow confidence in yourself. I realize how much you are worth. Respect yourself enough to move on and not settle for anything less than what you deserve. Be the girl who knows her self-worth.