Dear Noisy Girl,
I would really appreciate it if you could personally stay out of my conversations. I honestly don't mind people adding their opinions to a conversations, if they were included in said conversation or even if they caught a glimpse of it and just wanted to add some input. However, if you constantly barge into my conversations, with various individuals, and continuously want to take part in these conversation to either talk about yourself or add your unnecessary opinion to it, then please refrain from doing so. I understand that sometimes you just want to add your opinion. Adding your opinion is completely okay and a very human thing to do, but when you constantly, and when I mean constantly I mean every time you're in ear shot of my voice, have to add to my conversation it becomes overly aggravating.
I tried to rationalize the situation and consider the fact that I may be overreacting to your actions, but I have confirmed with others, who know you, that I am not alone in my opinion. When it's more than one person who share the same opinion and/or belief on a subject manor, then it's fair to say that said subject manor isn't just someone overreacting. I genuinely dislike the fact that I hold these beliefs towards you and persuade my opinion of your person based on these beliefs. However, your actions regarding people's conversations make me want to scream inside. It's not even just the fact that you will interrupt to interject something, it's also the fact that you will continue to drone on and on about yourself to further more gear the conversation towards you. Now that's excruciating to my brain mentally.
I don't want to come out of this statement resonating as an atrocious human being, who is blatantly rude regarding others. But everyone knows someone who is the equivalent of you to me that is to them. Unfortunately you just fell in to my path of life as said person and will forever be known to me as said person. I hope someday you may realize that this is who you've become in life and correct your ways. However, I highly doubt that will happen anytime soon. So I will continue to stimulate fake enthusiasm towards your opinion and continue to not become immensely provoked when you do these things. I will still wish in my heart that you will find someone else to bother with your interruptions that is not me. Blessed be the soul of whoever that person might be. Please just realize that even though I look like I care, I don't.
The Girl In Your Class Who Is Not Your Bud