There are times in our lives where it's okay to settle. It's okay if you don't buy Dove soap and save the extra $2 by purchasing Walmart's brand. It's alright if you find yourself content with a B in a class you really could care less about. But there's two things in this world no girl should ever settle for: crappy coffee and crappy boys. To the girl who always settles, you deserve so much more than you give yourself credit for.
I understand the feeling of being in high school and not having a boyfriend. One day everyone seems to be hanging out as friends until you become the fifth wheel and you have no idea how this happened. But the reality is, being the fifth wheel is so much better than settling for someone less than you deserve. It's not worth dating that jerk with a bad reputation just because you want to feel loved. You're also worth more than just being with someone because you look cute together or it just works out for right now. When it comes down to it, being single is not the end of the world. It shouldn't be the end of you, either.
There may be days where you don't feel good enough or you just can't understand why nobody loves you the way everyone else seems to be. But the reality is, you are loved beyond words by people who matter and by people who would do anything to see you succeed with or without a man. On those days when you don't feel like you're all you could be, go talk to your mom or your sister, hell, go talk to your dog. Anyone who truly loves you will show you, especially in your time of need.
Don't settle. Don't try to be anything less than you are. Don't let it get to your head. You got this. I believe in you.