He's a simple person, even if you think he's complicated. He loves car rides and little laughs. He enjoys laughing; it's his best medicine. He will make you love laughing, and will bring out the sarcastic side of you. His favorite color is digital camo, weird I know. Honestly, I never thought I could love a color that much until he said it. He loves wings and tacos and his favorite movie is “Forrest Gump,” So if you haven't seen it, be prepared. He is a movie fanatic, so when he finds a good movie, you'll know, and he will make you watch all of them. He doesn't answer text messages very quickly, so if he doesn't answer you he's probably hanging out with his sister, friends, or watching a documentary on Netflix. He's a Mets fan, so I feel sorry for you if you're a Yankee fan, but he's worth it. Fair warning, he hates cuddling. He thinks all there is to it is awkward boners. Deal with it. Some nights he will drink too much and you're going to have to be there to make sure he is okay. When he does, there's something bothering him. When he has his late night snack of pretzels not a day goes by where he doesn't complain that the crumbs in his bed stab him, just laugh at him, he's so silly. He wears glasses--at night. Because he can't see driving, did you know that? He thinks they're stupid but trust me you'll learn to love them. He acts like he doesn't like school, but he loves being challenged; he's smarter than you think and he's a huge nerd.
He takes great pride in the army. He has his phone set to military time and will talk to you in that time so you better learn it. If he ever gets deployed, just know every day is hard so prepare for that. If you can't handle it, it's not love. When you finally get that call and hear him laugh, it'll make you feel warm on the inside.
He doesn't like to open up, heck he doesn't like feelings but he has them trust me & he will grow with time. Don't judge him on his past, when he decides to let you in, he will. He will make fun of the way you pronounce words so don't take it personal, just go with it. Sometimes he will call you a bitch that you are or a slut that you used to be, but he will also make you feel beautiful when he compliments you, so keep those moments locked away forever because they don't come often.
He has a huge heart. He loves his mother and sister more than anything and looks up to his father. You will love them, especially his sister. He has an obsession with cars and all things army. He loves his car more than he loves you, deal with it. Even if you have no clue about them, show him you care. He isn't an easy person, but a minute without him is a minute wasted. If you can't look at him and say "I'm the luckiest girl ever" you're doing something wrong. If you don't get butterflies every time you see a picture of him, let him go. There's no changing him, just learn to love him like I did. Love him forever with all your heart & remember the little things make him happy.
-The girl who lost him