A year ago, no one could have ever told me I would be in the spot I am today and I wouldn’t even have begun to believe them. With a new year just beginning and another one coming to an end, it is almost impossible not to reflect on all the changes not only myself, but all of you have gone through, too.
A year ago I was known as the girl who was still stuck in high school.
Finishing of my first semester of college, I hadn’t made that many friends and I looked forward to the times I could come home, hangout with my friends from high school and be able to tend all the sporting events of my Alma Mater. I have quickly learned there is way more to life after high school. College presents so many opportunities and new friends to you that it shows you how much better your life can really be.
A year ago I was hung up on someone who didn’t love me.
I wish someone could have told me that after all this time that nothing would have changed, but lessons are only learned when you find out for yourself. I would have loved to have been able to let myself know to stop trying and give up because yet again, I wasted another year on someone who couldn't even give me a minute of his day.
A year ago I had no direction in life.
I was declaring a major and thought that I had known everything about college by only being there for just a semester, but I was very, very wrong. I wish a year ago, I would have known how much more I had to figure out. By being thrown into everything at once, I was able to make my school life and work ten times better.
A year ago I didn’t take advantage of all the opportunities that was given to me.
Looking back now, I have seen all of the memories I’ve created and things I’ve gotten to do when I finally learned to break out of my shell and live my life. I joined multiple clubs and a sorority, which I think my year ago self would be pretty proud of where I am today.
A year ago I was not the same girl I am now, and I couldn’t be any happier.