When your best friend's asshole high-school boyfriend broke up with her for the first time, you watched helplessly as she didn't leave her bed for days not knowing it was physically possible that someone could cry that much. Soon, they were back together, and you were so mad that she would let someone treat her so poorly, just to forgive him the next week.
"You don't get it, I love him, and I know he loves me too"
And she's right, you don't get it. Still, why is it that everyone around you seems to at least have someone. Someone that they love, or at least that they used to love, that same someone that loves them back. Even if love doesn't seem perfect all of the time, you still wish to experience it- the good and the bad.
You're in love with the idea of being in love. You wonder why you're the only one out of your friends to have never been in love, or even had a serious boyfriend for that matter? You would blame yourself for any failed attempts at a "real" relationship; maybe If I was prettier, funnier, or more out-going, he would have wanted to stay for longer- he wouldn't have picked someone else over me. The "what if's" constantly flooded your mind, making it so hard to let go of this missed opportunity at being in love. Maybe he'll come back, I'll never find someone as perfect for me as him- yet, they never did. It wasn't the actual guys themselves that you longed for, but the idea of having someone.
It took time for me to realize that the answer isn't that I wasn't pretty or funny enough, and it's quite simply put- I wasn't ready. I'm still not ready, and I'm okay with that! Worry is a lack of faith, and if I know anything about my life in the future, it's that everything will be exactly the way that God planned for it to be. So what was there to worry about? This includes God hand-picking the man for my life that i'm going to fall in love with in the future, and the man that will ultimately (hopefully) become my husband.
So, my advice to the girl that's never been in love is to never settle. When someone is meant to be in your life you will know, and it won't have to be forced. God knows what He's doing, and even if you don't see it now, everything will make sense one day. Timing really is everything, and no one knows that perfect time besides Him. Take life day by day with a smile on your face and keep your faith, because there's so much more to look forward to than we could ever imagine.
The heart of a man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps- Proverbs 16:19.