To the Girl that Wants to be Loved | The Odyssey Online
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To the Girl that Wants to be Loved

You deserve love and so much more

To the Girl that Wants to be Loved

It’s been a tough road hasn’t it. One too many heartbreaks. The one that got away took your heart when he left. There are some nights when you remember the good times, but other nights are clouded out by all of the heartache. It feels as though you may never find that great love again. That all-consuming and soul crushing love. You will find it and it will come without the sadness.

Today feels like a long day. You see couples holding hands, you see your friends updating their relationship statuses. It feels as though you are alone in this world now.

It has been a while since the last heartbreak but it feels like yesterday. Those subtle reminders, his birthday, you walk past your favorite coffee shop, you smell his cologne, your song plays on the radio. Then it washes over you like a hurricane of self-hatred and doubt and thoughts of “why won’t anyone love me”?

Here is what I want to tell you.

You are strong. Loved. Amazing. A force to be reckoned with. He was not the sun. You are. You have every reason to remember the love there, but it is nothing but a memory. Everything you are is amazing, beautiful and powerful. You can move oceans and shake mountains.

You will find the person that sees the stars shine in your eyes and thinks you are an angel on this earth. He will kiss your scars and stretch marks and remind you every day that you are beautiful and loved. He will make you coffee in the morning and brush away your messy hair. You will remember what it feels like to be truly loved.

I wish I could tell you that it will stop hurting. One day it might. The painful stabbing might turn to a faint memory. Right now it hurts, and it hurts so bad. You are lonely and want nothing but to be loved. Today you need to remember that one day you will wake up next to the love of your life and wonder why you were ever so sad in the first place.

So today embrace the hurt because it will teach you to love harder. You will grow stronger every day. Learn to love yourself. You will meet people who make you smile and laugh. You will have adventures and explore your world. You will be amazing.

Today it is hard. Tomorrow it will get better. Tonight he tells you goodbye but tomorrow someone will say hello and change your life.

So hang on to hope. Hope for the future and hope for someone to come into your life and change your entire perspective on things. Because I know that it is the worst right now, but it takes a hurricane to fully enjoy the rainbow.

Remember you are the sun and you will continue to shine. With or without him. I hope you do. I hope you burn bright and strong.

And may love find you when you are ready.

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