Purity is something people view as this squished up grape that no one wants and feels as though purity is a term that's never recognized and that in fact it's extinct. Saving yourself for marriage is now viewed as "too conservative" but, isn't that what makes it so precious? I get it, we want to rip off the clothes of the meaning of purity and drown it because it's what's socially acceptable. Who put this screwed up image in our heads that if you wait to have sex, that it makes you a wussy? And why oh why do we continue to believe it?
To the girl that's afraid to be labeled a virgin, you don't have to be ashamed, trust me. "Do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner. Rather, join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God. He has saved us and called us to a holy life-- not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace" (2 Timothy: 1:8-9). You see, we are a walking testimony in which the way we choose to represent ourselves.
I remember being mocked, harshly judged and told I wasn't worthy enough to wear a ring that had such a sentimental value. But, the beauty in God's love is it's nothing like human love, praise the Lord for that. Regardless of what you have done, or what the world wants to call you, he calls you priceless, worth the wait, chosen, masterpiece, bride, and beloved, simply because you are His. He didn't die for us for us to hide the fact that we actually care about our temple. He didn't sacrifice himself so that we'd be ashamed to reserve ourselves for the man worthy enough to claim it and join with us to celebrate God's gift.
When you wear the ring on your finger, you'll be closely watched, asked a lot of questions and you'll have to examine yourself daily if not hourly. Remaining pure is difficult. It's not this shallow definition of refraining from sex that some individuals have a false idea of but rather practicing God's fruit for your spirit and thinking upon good and Heavenly ideals.
Remind yourself of your story, on the difficult days where you are engrossed with a group of friends that are all talking about how they lost their virginity, or their new sex toy for the week; use the opportunity and pray for them. It's never too late for God to take your heart and shake off the dust for you to see the gold again.
For so long I was pruney about my purity like mushed up grapes and I'd never talk about it but there sat the ring on my finger waiting to be used. When I finally became passionate about my purity my soul changed. I was excited to share with other girls that I was holding myself accountable, so that I have more to reward my future husband with. Don't allow yourself to grow numb to the fact that the Lord calls you sweet names for a reason. Beloved, He has been chasing you down waiting for you to realize your worth. So, make the promise to Him and commit yourself to a pure lifestyle and watch Him bless your life.
His love doesn't just give up once the twenty minutes are up, His love stirs up inside of you and sends a wave of joy through your bones that just doesn't go away, sister. There's no fear of Jesus wandering off because He got bored, because He is enthralled by you darling. He has branded you as his daughter, not the girl who has been with every guy. There is freedom in the cross!
Purity isn't just another prize to be won, it's a devotion that you are a precious jewel just waiting to be reminded of her worth, return yourself back to the maker.