You are beautiful!There are too many girls out there that think they aren’t enough, because a boy doesn’t like them or because they don’t have the nicest clothes. You are enough, regardless of if you own the newest shoes or dress. Also, so what that one guy you like doesn’t like you? There are thousands of guys out there that are better.
If you think you are not pretty enough or not skinny enough or not tall enough, you are unique. God made everyone different, just because that one girl gets all the guys because she’s pretty doesn’t mean you are not. If everyone looked the same, this world would be boring and i would honestly getting tired of seeing everyone because they all look the same.
Also, ladies you do not need a man to be happy. Your friends, your family, anyone can make you happy, not just a boy. Some guys are not worth your time, because your heart will be broken or they abuse you or are just ugly to you. You don’t need someone so negative in your life. You are more than that. If you want a boyfriend, find someone that loves you for you and makes you feel like you are enough.
You are enough, you mean something in this world. You have a purpose on earth. God did not put you on this earth to suffer, he loves you. You are loved, you are unique, you are beautiful, you are wonderful, you are someone’s reason to smile. Everyone has a purpose, some people haven’t found it yet, but you are here for a reason.
Trust me ladies, You are enough!