I know how it feels to have those days, weeks, or even months where you just feel done. Lost for words. Lost of any kind of hope. Struggle just to get out of bed and start your day. Completely overwhelmed with life. No way out.
Feeling like there is no hope is one of the toughest emotions to control. Here are some ways to calm your heart:
1. Think about all of the amazing things you have accomplished.
Regardless of how terrible your current situation is, think of all the things in your life that have went right. Don't let the bad overcome the good.
2. Allow inspiration in.
Reading books and listening to music that is very up lifting is just the beginning. Your faith can be a big source of inspiration.
3. Surround yourself with optimism.
Find that group of people that always tries to look on the bright side. People that always smile and have a happy personality. Finding a group like this will allow you to soak up the optimism and help you find hope that things can get better.
4. Be courageous.
Trying to find hope requires lots of courage in order to take that hard, first step forward. Take step after step and before you know it, you on the other side, prepared to take on the next challenge that life throws at you.
5. You'll come out so much stronger.
You've probably heard "hard times make you strong" or similar phrases whenever bad things happen. Challenges you are having right now are undercover blessings because on the other end is a new you that has a whole lot more strength than the old one.
6. There's always tomorrow.
Not only is this statement wishful thinking, but this statement is also 100% true. Didn't reach your goal for the day? That's okay, because you can try again tomorrow. Each day is a new chance to do something amazing.