To The Girl Who Is Ready To Settle Down,
DO NOT settle down.
And by settle down, I mean do not settle and downgrade yourself. Wordplay is kinda my shit. Do not take anything less than exactly what you want.
I've been thinking a lot lately about how I might be ready for a relationship again, and this has brought me to think of some people in my past that could have been eligible candidates. For almost thirty seconds, the idea of being in a relationship was almost more important than my actual happiness and wholeness. I almost forgot that these people are in the past for a reason, because they could not give me what I want or need, and I cannot settle for any less because along with wanting and needing certain things, I deserve them. I will not take anything less than I deserve. I will not settle.
And you should not either.
You are not wrong for wanting to settle down if that's what you want. Your'e not wrong for wanting to find the one who lights your soul a'flame. But make sure before you pour your time and effort into making it work with a certain human, make sure they are all you want and more.
Because like Christina Yang on Grey's Anatomy said:
"He is very dreamy, but he is not the sun. You are."
Be selfish, and love yourself enough to know the difference between settling down and settling-down.