"Smart girls open their minds, easy girls open their legs, and foolish girls open their hearts."
To the girl afraid to open her heart again,
Once upon a time, you put yourself out there; made yourself feel vulnerable. This was a feeling very uncomfortable and new for you. This was a tremendous step for you. But then, you were hurt. You trusted someone, and they let you down. And, this same cycle seems to repeat itself. So you decided it was "The End."
Now, you build walls, and these are massive walls and their only getting bigger and bigger with every let down and disappointment you experience. As your walls grow and your heart quickly recedes, you learn that the only person you can trust is yourself. So you graciously accept this less painful lifestyle and become a very, very independent person. You rely on yourself for most everything.
When it comes to a dating relationship, you laugh it off and say you're far too busy for a relationship like that. But you are not fooling me. You sometimes look at what happy couples have, and envy their joy. But for you, greater than that feeling of want is that feeling of crippling fear. So you decide that you would rather be alone than begin a relationship and trust, someone, only to get hurt once again. To be alone is to be safer, in your eyes.
You repeatedly tell yourself that you're fine-that you're content. You busy yourself by grabbing every opportunity that comes your way. You become a workaholic and use this as an excuse to turn down invitations and be by yourself. But in reality, you're just running. Running from what scares you, what challenges you, and may I be so bold as to say running from what you need most.
Our God created us to live in harmony with each other. We aren't made to be alone and without companionship. I know you are so, so scared. Scared of that vulnerable feeling. Scared you will be happy and content in a relationship, regardless of the type, and then get stabbed in the back once again. Your scared to trust again because this leads to being hurt and made to look like a fool.
But can I challenge you to do something? We both know the walls you've built are only hurting you more. And those doors you have slammed shut and locked, you're secretly wishing to find someone worthy of letting open them again. Can I challenge you to trust again? Not everyone is going to hurt you, and you won't know until you give them a chance. I admire you, though. I admire your courage and am proud of your strength to stand on your own for so long. But don't give up and don't become a quitter. Learn to love and trust people again. It's a slow process, but it's a worthwhile one. And, I'll be right there learning with you.