After high school, a lot changes, especially people, including yourself and those around you. While in high school, you have a certain friend group that you swear will stick by your side until the end of time. You have the best teachers and you just know that your college professors will be the same way. You have a perfect schedule and routine that shall never waver, because everyone keeps their routines after graduation, right? Wrong.
When I began high school in 2010, I was on the volleyball team, then soon after, the track team. Being on those teams continued through my four years, with the addition of the swim team in 2013. Because these were team-oriented sports, some friendships were more forced than others, but nonetheless, they were friendships. As high school was coming to a close in 2014, these relationships became more and more strained. College began, and people started falling off my grid. I was alone. I had never been alone before, but for five months my freshman year of college, I was just that. Alone. That March, a lot in my life changed, quickly and without warning, but because of that change, I learned independence. I learned how to be by myself without actually being alone.
I realized that I had friends that I had been ignoring; sorry, guys. My best friends and sisters now, and I ignored them for five months! It happens. Becoming independent is a hard task to conquer for anyone who has never truly been alone, but it is an amazing feeling once you finally realize that independence is OK and that you do not have to depend on everyone for your own happiness.
Although being independent means being by yourself at some points, you are not alone. So many girls, and even guys, suffer from dependability issues; it’s completely normal. Many times, or from what I have witnessed, most people are able to combat and end their dependability issues and gain their independence once they get to college because they are able to find their niche, the group that accepts them for who they really are. These are the best friends that you will ever find! You better plan for them to be in your wedding!
Recently, I have had many different, amazing opportunities placed in front of me that will definitely require some independence, and one year ago that would have terrified me, but now, September 3, 2015, I am running towards these adventures with wide eyes and open arms!
It takes time, becoming comfortable to be yourself in a crowded room, but I also think it takes just as much time, if not more, to be comfortable with yourself in an empty room. To the girl who is finding her independence: you can do it. You are not alone. Once you find that independence, go and conquer the world!