Ever since I was a little girl, I have always dreamt of my “Prince Charming.” I dreamt of him having big blue eyes, I dreamt of a smart man, I dreamt of a man who would pick me flowers, and open the car door for me. As I got a little older, I planned out my life and all of my dreams on Pinterest and with my best friends. We would (and still do) watch "The Notebook," and dream of finding the Noah to our Allie. We would always talk about our futures, college, marriage, careers, homes and families.Then one day, it all started happening. We graduated high school, we moved on to college, and then here comes the love part. "L.O.L @ that," is what most of my friends and most of our generation would say about finding love. It seems as though our generation was never taught or forgot what true love actually is.
I did not find my “Prince Charming” right away like some people do. I actually felt very discouraged after a couple long-term relationships that did not work out. I thought, “Maybe my expectations are too high or maybe I’m just not good enough.” But, I was wrong. High expectations are a GREAT thing to have, especially now days, since everyone seems to have forgotten how relationships and love are supposed to work. Social media has taken over, even relationships have been torn apart because of it. Love and relationships have become a joke to a lot of our generation. However, we must bring back what is real and true!!
Girls, we DO NOT settle for just whoever texts you or snap chats you or direct messages you on Instagram. He may seem promising at the time, because you want to feel loved and accepted; however, YOU DESERVE MORE. You deserve someone who will take you on dates, buy you flowers, call you just to hear your voice, write you little notes, and someone who will go out of his way to make you smile. I promise, guys like that really do exist. Be patient, God has a prince designed just for you, and He will place him in your life when you least expect it. Until then, Pray for your future husband! Pray for the man who will treat you like a princess one day, pray for the man who will be the perfect father, pray for the man who will think that you that you look the most stunning in sweat pants without a stitch of makeup on, pray for the man that is praying for you, and pray for the man that will love God first and you second!!!
I found this prayer recently, and I ADORE it. So, pray it when you wake up or even before bed!
“Lord Jesus, I thank you for my future spouse; wherever he may be.I pray that he is surrounded by Godly men and women to guide him in his journey with you.I pray that he is upholding your Word, and if he is yet to know you, I pray that you would reveal yourself to him. Grant me patience until your perfect timing. May we honor You in all we do; even now. Thank you Jesus that your perfect plan is not one second early or late. Hallelujah! Amen.”
At 18, I now know that love has NOTHING to do with looks, but everything to do with words and, especially, actions. So, if I don’t end up with a blue eyed, tall guy, I’ll be immensely happy just to have someone who TRULY loves me.At the end of the day, love is what truly matters.But, what is love, and why should I know what love is if I'm only 18? Well, I have two sisters and a mother and father who are all happily married, and they beautifully exemplify what true love is on a daily basis!!
So, here it is:
Love is a choice.
Love is NOT a feeling, it is a choice!! Our Mothers CHOOSE to wake up every morning and love us even though we left our dirty towels on the floor and our dishes in the sink. Our fathers wake up each day and CHOOSE to love our mothers, even when they are in the worst or best of moods. We wake up each day and choose to love who we are. Love is a choice, so keep on choosing (or one day choose) to love your Mr. Right, through the good, the bad, and the ugly!!
Love is dependent on God.
When times get difficult, people tend to go to the Lord. However, He must come first in our everyday lives and in all relationships!! Love will fail without the Lord. Two people cannot love each other if they do not first love God. God must come first in any relationship. He adds good into all things, he gives patience, understanding, and wisdom. So, when you are building a new relationship or mending a current one, remember who holds the love together. God is the glue!! ( I know that sounds silly, but He truly is!) Allow Him to sprinkle His virtues on your relationship by going to mass together, praying together, or even talking about God together. The Lord will definitely make your love grow in strength, so confide in the Lord at all times!!
Love is a two way street.
If your guy buys you flowers, tell him thank you and show him that you appreciate them. In return, do something nice for him! Write a note to him, even if it's just telling him to have a good day. (Simplicity is key, it's the little things in life that mean the most!) My point is that love is a 50/50 deal. If there is a problem, one person should not do all the problem solving. Love should be the perfect balance between two people. Each person has to be willing to give their all; it's all or nothing!! Sometimes, that is the problem with today's world... PEOPLE ARE LAZY AND SELFISH. No one wants to go out of their way for each other. Divorce rates have gone up SO much over the past few years, because people are simply too lazy to care. Love is beautiful, so give love the time and effort that it deserves.
Love is flawed.
Love is patient. Love is kind. Yet, love is NOT perfect!! Today, everyone likes to back out of love when the going gets tough. Sometimes love feels like a battlefield, but that's part of life. No two people agree on everything, and life will always throw curve balls. However, we have to take on what life throws at us and keep on trucking. Curve balls and disagreements make love stronger. When the going gets tough, make up... don't break up. Love is not always easy, but it is worth it!!
Love is pure.
Yep, this one is hard to believe in today's world, but love is pure. Today, people tend to get love and lust confused. Love is everything, and lust is nothing. Love will get you so much further in life than lust will. Pure love is a love that cannot be shaken. Lust will not bring you the man that you want to marry, but it will bring you heartache. Your goal in love should be to get one another to heaven, not to bed! So to a generation filled with confusion, I'm here to tell you that love IS pure; despite what society tells you.
Love is an adventure.
Love is supposed to keep you on your toes. Love is fun, and it's a new adventure everyday. Love is running through the pouring rain, but laughing and smiling because you wouldn't want to do it with anyone else. Love is getting food out of each other's teeth. Love is sharing your last bite of cake. Love is being tickled to death just because he wanted to hear your weird laugh. Love is like a rollercoaster; there will always be ups and downs, but we are supposed to enjoy the ride!
Love is worth the wait.
Your "Prince Charming" is out there, but you have to be willing to wait for him. In the meantime, DO NOT settle for an average guy who treats you "alright." Heck no-You do not settle for just any 'ole boy. You do not settle because you're lonely. You do not settle under any circumstances, I REPEAT, do not settle under any circumstances! You go for a man that you can see a future with. Go for someone who treats you with more care than you have ever imagined possible. Go for someone who meets your high expectations. (And they should be very high, because, after all, you are God's daughter!!) Above all, go for someone who brings you closer to God, and you do the same for him.
True love still exists!! True love is amazingly beautiful, so don't let it die out. Don't let chivalry be lost. Don't let society tell you that it's okay to settle for less than you deserve. Don't ever forget what love is!!
Love is when you choose to love another person so immensely that all you want is the best for them. It is when all you desire is for them to make it to the pearly gates of heaven one day. Love is when YOU lead your other half to heaven!
"Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures in all things."
1 Corinthians 13:7
Be different, be true, & be you!!