To the Game,
Thank you for being the most consistent thing in my life.
Even on the worst of days, I knew I could turn to you and find peace of mind. You were not going anywhere and I always had you to fall back on.
Thank you for giving me an outlet.
When life became too stressful, I knew I could zone it all out and have a productive two hour practice or a game. During that time, nothing else mattered and it was the perfect outlet to deal with stress.
Thank you for teaching me.
From you, I've learned the importance of teamwork, self- motivation, failure, and strength. Each practice and game allowed me to experience these lessons and so much more.
Thank you for challenging me.
Through you, I have learned more about myself than any other experience. You constantly challenged me and pushed me farther than I ever thought I could go.
Thank you for giving me my friends.
Whether it is the friends I played with when I was 12 or my teammates now, I have been lucky enough to find people who love you as much as I do. Nothing brings people together better than a tough practice or a W on the field.
Thank you for the memories.
You've allowed me to experience some of the coolest trips, longest days, and best friends. I've made memories that I will cherish forever both on and off the field.
Even though I won't be stepping onto the field this year, I'll always appreciate the lessons and memories you've given me.