To The Future Golden Rams
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To The Future Golden Rams

Five tips for the senior who recently committed to West Chester University, you're going to love it here.

To The Future Golden Rams
West Chester University Homepage

To the Senior who committed to WCU,

Congratulations, future Golden Ram. You made one of the most important decisions of your life. You must be feeling a mix of excitement, relief, and anxiety. I understand because four years ago I was feeling the same thing. Just know that you made a great choice.

1. The campus.

Our campus is beautiful. You will find that the Asplundh Concert Hall, commonly called "The Castle Building" because no one actually knows how to pronounce Asplunh, is a campus favorite. The building has whispering arches and looks fabulous in Snapchats during each season and every time of day. While walking to class, make sure you stop and take in the views of some of our other, beauties: Ruby Jones, Recitation, and Anderson Halls. You will most likely be enrolled in a science course that takes you on a walking tour of campus to explore the rocks that were used to make each building. You will gain a greater appreciation for the buildings where you spend most of your weekdays.

Tip: Make sure you find time to walk around campus during the weekends and off-times. There is a strangely peaceful feeling that comes from walking around campus on a Sunday afternoon, rather than during the ten minutes inbetween classes. You will notice how pretty the residential quad looks out back of University Hall and the way the Ram Statue looks surrounded by freshly planted yellow and purple flowers.

2. Join the class Facebook pages.

There are many people who will begin looking for roommates on the Facebook page for the Class of 2021. I highly recommend searching for your future roommate on the Facebook page. It may seem like you are online dating, but trust me, you will be glad to not have a random roommate. You can also use the page to meet up with your future classmates during the summer or orientation.

3. Get involved.

There are 297 organizations, Division 2 teams, the arts, intramurals, Greek Life, and the Incomparable Marching Rams. There is an organization that fits each and every student's interests and needs. There will be information sessions during orientation in June, in addition to the fall and spring Organization Fairs. Keep an eye out for those dates and begin thinking about how you would like to get involved during your college experience. Your time will fly by, but do not miss any opportunities!

4. Academics.

Incase you have forgotten already, you are attending WCU because of your desire to learn (you'll understand that pun soon). The university is filled with highly educated professors, small class sizes, and varying degree programs. Whether you have decided what field you would like to pursue or are still undecided, WCU is the place for you. We are known for having many great departments, but we are most known for our: Education, Nursing, and the Arts programs. West Chester started as a Normal School for teachers, which has created a large and passionate Education department. Many great teachers have come from Recitation Hall, including Dr. Jill Biden. We also have a competitive Nursing program, which has most recently brought students to South Africa where they were delivering babies. The Arts are home to a sizable percentage of our students, whether they sing, dance, or act, every student is giving it their all. Make sure you check out our Undergraduate Catalog and see of your options!

5. The town.

You not only chose a wonderful school, but the Borough of West Chester is a bonus to your decision. There are a surplus of boutiques, restaurants, pubs, and shops within a ten minute walk from the dorms. Make sure you walk through town and become acquainted with all that downtown West Chester has to offer... before it gets cold and you do not want to leave your bed.

This is an incredibly exciting time for you and I hope that you enjoy every second you have left in your senior year. I think you will be happy with your decision to join the Purple and Gold crew. Best of luck during your journey. Have fun and leave a legacy for the Class of 2025.

Your fellow Ram,

The Class of 2017

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